Potential Exponents is an Accredited Training Service Provider (Services SETA Accreditation number 12403). At Potential Exponents, we have boosted the insights and learning experience of our Soft Skills training by incorporating some of our rare, scarce, fascinating, and most dynamic embedded skills into our learning material. Some of these skills (e.g., juggling, martial arts, sign language), while taken for granted, have the potential to change the way we think about learning, communication, and productivity!

Shoni Khangala is a multi-skilled and multi-lingual facilitator with over a decade of experience. Shoni has successfully facilitated learning in 10 diverse fields, including Leadership, Management, Organizational Development, and Business and Professional Ethics. His experience spans business education, adult education, and FET environments. He is also an experienced Assessor and Moderator of Call Centre-related subjects.

Potential Exponents offers the following Core Accredited Programmes and tailor-made practical Short Programmes:

Core Accredited Programmes offered:

Short Programmes offered:

  • Ethical Leadership
  • Customer Service
  • Managing Customer-Contact Personnel
  • Organizing for Service Leadership
  • Self-Mastery
  • Organizational development
  • Supervisory Skills
  • Communications Skills
  • Stress Management
  • Negotiation
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Writing proposals and reports
  • Leading a winning team
  • Dealing with media
  • Managing meetings
  • Making decisions
  • Managing difficult interactions

Potential Exponents has teamed up with highly competent and experienced Facilitators and Coaches to deliver value and quality at affordable prices whilst maintaining high learning standards, using out-of-the-box stimulating methodologies.
